Thursday, August 6, 2009

So it has been a while since I used this blog soon I will be posting a link for another blog collaboration you will find me at that is more diy and design based. But lots of things are happening so I wanted to update. Tonight I will be the photo booth photographer for this event 

Jessica Pendleton of the future bride did the poster and Dan Loury did the web work. It is going to be bad ass and I will post back here about the crazy night I am sure to have.
I also got this flash wave 2 radio sync for the occasion so hopefully that works and doesn't let me down. Booked two more paying jobs yesterday, but the most exciting news is............MATT AND I GOT A FREAKIN CORGI!!!!!!! pics later.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some studio work

5 lighting styles in the studio on our beautiful new medium format camera. I am posting some of my favorites. 

I love the studio sometimes for drama.

meow how serious and starling

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wedding stuff

So last night Jess and I had an obsess-fest about her wedding and jobs and hustling etc. I have been trying to really get into all the stuff. Its a daunting job being a "maid" of "honor" so my brainstorming might start seeping into blog world. 

This is a photo of the former P&K grocery store that I shot for Austin Monthly, but I thought the pastry thing and the cute little label is wedding-ish and maybe could jump start ideas.

Here is my infamous model being forced yet again to fufill a strange vision of mine. "Roadtrip Wedding" for my bride magazine redesign last year for modern bride.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Re-resolutions/old stuff

So, weird week with lots of ups and downs but I owe a post to ya'll and myself. Since I have been such a procrastinator about updating I have a back log of things of interest so I will spend this month trying to catch up. (My new Feb re-resolutions).

So here are some nightscapes from the crazy fog nights in Austin a month or so ago which made Austin looked dusty for 4 hours in the beginning of the night. None of these have flash it is just me sitting for a long exposure with very big Tina Turner hair from the humid fog. 

This one is the creepiest I think. Why are those rooms in the building blue?