Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wedding stuff

So last night Jess and I had an obsess-fest about her wedding and jobs and hustling etc. I have been trying to really get into all the stuff. Its a daunting job being a "maid" of "honor" so my brainstorming might start seeping into blog world. 

This is a photo of the former P&K grocery store that I shot for Austin Monthly, but I thought the pastry thing and the cute little label is wedding-ish and maybe could jump start ideas.

Here is my infamous model being forced yet again to fufill a strange vision of mine. "Roadtrip Wedding" for my bride magazine redesign last year for modern bride.

1 comment:

Jess ( said...

I love the pan au chocolat photo... perhaps this will inspire a bread/olives/cheese bar with infused oils? and cute labels of course.

i'm feeling schizophrenic about the wedding theme... is it deco? is it nature? is it...? thank you for helping me. it's like having a voice of sanity on my shoulder.