Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 1

So today is the first day of my big change and I was doing well until my loved ones made me watch the Sex in the City Movie and I fell all to pieces. Currently I am wallowing over a broken and confused relationship so today's theme is loss. Our subject today is this precious little fabulous kitty, barbara streisand. She was always graceful and tender even when she was annoyed that she was being smothered and teased she was loving. Although she brings up good old memories that are painful to me now, I thought she was appropriate for my start of letting go. All of these pictures were taken the day before she died thus proving how graceful and lady-like she was every day no matter how hard.

New blog campaign coming for yall soon I have a great idea.


Caitlin Díaz said...

that cat is sooo precious; her eyes are lovely :]

Erica Wilkins said...

you work fast!